How ironic is it that my first ever BSI (Blogger Secret Ingredient) entry is during the week featuring watermelon? You see, I do NOT like watermelon. Weird, right? But, I figured I could cover up the flavor...or perhaps it's the lack of flavor that I don't really care for...with tequila. I mean, I like tequila. What's a little watermelon if there's tequila involved?
I believe I may have been in withdrawal lately...it's been waaaaaaay too long since I last had a margarita. I used to go out for margarita's with a friend of mine a couple times a month. Then, she lost her job, hubby lost his job, we moved...time passed and we both have had so much on our plates (but not in our glasses...wink, wink).
We've finally set a date to meet over margaritas, but since that's a few weeks out, I decided I'd make some at home. Hubby is over here, at this precise moment saying I don't understand why you don't like this (he's eating watermelon) and you DO like the margarita. Um, tequila. Duh. Insert eye roll. I wanted to add some mint, just for sh*ts & giggles, so...I made up a little mint simple syrup first.
Minty Simple Syrup
1 c. sugar
1 c. water
1 small handful mint leaves
Place everything in a small pan over med-high heat. Bring to boil. Stir to make sure all sugar is dissolved. Turn off and remove from heat. Let cool. Strain out mint leaves and store in an airtight container in fridge.

yield: ~3
Watermelon, seedless- (~1/8th of a watermelon cut in chunks) to yield 1 c. juice
Minty simple syrup- 1/4 c.
Fresh squeezed lime juice- 1/4 c. (~2 small limes)
Tequila- 1 c.
Triple Sec- 1/3 c.
ice cubes- 1 c. for runny margaritas/ 3 or more cups for frozen margaritas
First, place watermelon chunks into blender and very carefully pushing down with wooden spoon, pulse until watermelon becomes watery. Once enough water is in blender to flow freely, blend it all up into a liquid. If you have more than 1 c. of watermelon juice in the blender, remove the extra (save for another batch).
Add the rest of the ingredients and blend. Run a lime wedge around rim of glass and dip in either coarse salt or raw sugar. Cut a garnish if you like. Pour into prepared glasses and enjoy!

I'm sending this over to Kim at The Ungourmet for my first entry into BSI (Blogger Secret Ingredient)! Tootles...off to drink another margaritas. Hmmm, maybe watermelon's not so bad afterall.