I've said it before and I'll say it again... POM Wonderful is...well...WONDERFUL! When I first received a trial case, I went ga-ga over the rich, tart nectar. I did manage to use some in a tasty chili recipe...but for the most part, I couldn't stop chugging the stuff. Did you know that POM also comes in different flavors?
My Blueberry POMgria and GingerPom enjoyed the added health benefits (or so I like to think) of this fabulous juice. I recently received 2 newer flavor combinations to try from POM wonderful...POM Nectarine and POM Peach. I'd like to tell you that I made something fabulously creative from them. But I simply drank them. Sorry...they were too good and one bottle of each didn't allow any to spare. I think POM has a signature TANG to it...and they flavor fusions were no exception. Thee only difference is that sweet essence of tree fruit that lies beneath. So good!
But they didn't stop there...OH NO...they also created some fabulous Iced Coffee drinks. They don't taste like pomegranate...settle down...they just have the added benefit of containing a daily dose (650 mg) of polyphenol antioxidants from pomegranates! They are perfect to grab on the go! Again, I just drank them...I couldn't help myself. And if that isn't enough to convince you to try one...they also use Rainforest Alliance Certified shade-grown Arabica coffee beans, rBST growth hormone-free milk and organic cane sugar. Sign me up (again)! I want to send a huge thanks out to both Janny & Molly from POM Wonderful for sending me these POM products...I've found a lifelong love of pomegranate (so far) thanks to them!

And while I am enjoying drinking my POM, I am also doing some fun things with it! Pomegranates are in season right now...seriously, the markets have huge overflowing bins right now...and I can't help but grab one or two when I walk by! I love to eat those little jewels packed inside that pretty red skin...called arils...but I am going to try using them more in recipes now, as well.
Nigella Lawson has an almost too-easy recipe for Pomegranate Ice Cream that was my next stop on the pomegranate train. But, I'm going to call it sherbet, not ice cream. It is a no-churn ice cream that, as Nigella so eloquently puts it, "this delicate pink ice cream tastes like fragrant, sherbety heaven."
It totally does! Nigella's recipe calls for squeezing the juice from a pomegranate, but I figured why do all that when I can take the lazy-woman's way out and use 100% pure POM in its place!? No reason what so ever...
Pomegranate Sherbet ever-so-slightly adapted from Nigella Express by Nigella Lawson
3/4 c. POM Wonderful
1 pomegranate
1 lime
1 1/2 c. powdered sugar
2 c. heavy cream
So, begin by measuring out your POM and putting into a large bowl.

With a sharp knife, cut off the top, about 1/2" below the crown. Once the top is off, you'll see 4-6 sections. Cut right through that white pithy part that divides the sections and then pull each section out.

Now, scatter these little beauties over the sherbet and enjoy!