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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Event Announcement: Christmas in Connecticut {food 'n flix}

I'm excited to be hosting Food 'n Flix right here at girlichef again this month.  The movie that I've chosen to watch and cook/bake from is CHRISTMAS IN CONNECTICUT.

Here's a brief description from IMDb: A food writer who has lied about being the perfect housewife must try to cover her deception when her boss and a returning war hero invite themselves to her home for a traditional family Christmas.  

This will be my first time watching the film, so I can't tell you much more about it.  But I'm looking forward to it and I hope that you will get in "the spirit" and join me!  (Note the early submission deadline.)

How to participate in Food 'n Flix:
   1. Watch the chosen film (Christmas in Connecticut).  Taking inspiration from the film, head into the kitchen and cook or bake or make something.

    2. Post about it on your blog with a link back to THIS post and a link to Food 'n Flix.  Use of the logo is optional.

    3. You must post must be current (during month of film). And of course we don't mind if your post is linked to other events...the more the merrier.

   4. Have fun with it!

    5. Email your entries to me at: girlichef (at) yahoo (dot) com and include:
                     ~Your name
                     ~Your blog's name and URL
                     ~The name of your dish and the permalink to the specific post you're submitting
                     ~Attach a photo of any size (or just give me permission to "pull" one from your post)
                     ~Indicate "Food 'n Flix Submission" in the subject line

    Deadline for submission is Friday December 23, 2011 at 11:59 pm (Eastern) ...w/ hopes for a Christmas day roundup.


Would you like to comment?

  1. Hi Francy!
    I hope you are able to find it.  Could you leave a link to your blog so that I can visit? â˜º Fingers crossed!

  2. Hi Heather, this is Francesca from Bologna, Italy. Your blog is great and would love to partecipate to Food and Flix , hope I can find the movie here in Italy and join!! Ciao Francy from

  3. Barbara Stanwyck is my all time favorite actresses and this movie is a holiday favorite of mine...I hope I'll be able to join in on the fun. 

  4. Love this movie. Will try to join in the fun.

  5. Oooooo...this looks like so much fun. Sorry I missed it this month. I will participate in the coming months.

  6. I don;t think I have seen this movie, need to look for it.. You always have the best events!!

  7. This movie has a place in my heart and on my annual Christmas movie watching list. Looking forward to having it a part of Food 'n Flix this month--it's a classic. ;-)

  8. this is one of my favorites....i hope i can find time to watch it and do a post..i have been so LAME about it :)
