Welcome to the first
BYOB-Bake Your Own Bread roundup of 2012! I'm very excited to be taking over the bread basket from
Cathy at
Bread Experience. If you're not familiar with BYOB, it is a monthly event that was started by
Sandy of
At the Baker's Bench back in 2009. It's all about getting in the kitchen and becoming comfortable baking your own bread. Aside from being able to save money in the long run, the whole process of baking bread is totally therapeutic. The kneading...the smell that permeates your house when it's baking...the satisfaction of creating something with your own two hands. You can do it all by hand or with the help of a bread machine, mixer, or food processor. But it's not only yeast breads, quick breads and other breads leavened with baking soda and baking powder are also encouraged. Plus, bread making tutorials
(how to make a sourdough starter, shaping loaves or rolls, etc.), things made with bread
(pizza, bread pudding, etc.), and posts on bread "tools" are also encouraged.
Everybody from the most tender novice who is still timid using yeast to the everyday experienced baker is encouraged to join in and share your posts on bread baking. For a complete list of rules, please see the
BYOB-Bake Your Own Bread announcement page...and feel free to leave a comment or email me with questions any time. Since this is my first BYOB roundup, I'm playing with the formatting and how best to accept submissions...so bear with me. I'll figure out a system soon
(so check back for updates).
Without further ado, let's check out the fabulous loaves, rolls, sweet breads, fried breads, pizzas, and bread making tips that were shared with BYOB this month!
Yeast Breads
Breads w/out Yeast
Living in the Kitchen with Puppies - Puris |
(made w/ bread, crackers/breadsticks, "bread baking"-type posts)
Life in the Slow Lane at Squirrel Head Manor - Bread Tools |
I couldn't be happier (or hungrier at this point) at all the amazing bread baked this month. I hope you'll find some inspiration to step into the kitchen and pour some love into puffy mounds of dough today...or anytime this month. And don't forget to send 'em my way once you do! See you next month...