author: Heather McElhatton
series: (#2) Jennifer Johnson is sick of...
publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
source: TLC Book Tours
"foodie" elements: No, but there were some fun food references here and there, including wild-themed "Supper Clubs" throughout.
soft cover: 352 pages
random excerpt: Thissss-ba-boom! The massive chandelier plummets down, crashing with an explosion on the marble floor. We stand motionless, in a rising plume of dust. Nobody was hurt, which is too bad. A little blood and we might've all known what to do next. Instead the Japanese stand there staring at me in a V formation.
Then I farted loudly.
summary/synopsis (from TLC page): Sometimes tying the knot just means getting strangled.
Not too long ago, Jennifer Johnson was stuck in a cubicle, lovelorn and addicted to Cinnabon frosting. Now she’s married to her Prince Charming—the handsome, wealthy son of a Midwestern department-store magnate. But the grass on this too-manicured other side is not as green as she’d thought.
After a honeymoon from hell at a gated Christian resort in the Virgin Islands—bought and paid for by the in-laws and complete with alcohol-free drinks, curfews, and Satan-free yoga—Jennifer is beginning to have her doubts about the whole “happily-ever-after” thing. Soon she finds herself organizing Valentine’s Day abstinence dances with her mother-in-law’s church committee and dining with the ladies of the country club, who have their own theories about how to hold on to their men.
Is this really all there is to married life?
my thoughts/review: I haven't read the pre-cursor to this book, Jennifer Johnson is Sick of Being Single, so I wasn't sure what to expect. At first, I wondered if I was going to like it. It's chick-lit, which as a whole, I like - but occasionally it can get a little bit cheesy. Jennifer makes "lists". It was these lists that initially put up a warning flag. I found them an eensy-weensy bit annoying. However. I'm happy that I didn't close my mind to the book, because as it turns out, I wound up getting a kick out of it!
Some of the characters and situations were absolutely ridiculous, but that led to some laugh-out-loud R-rated hijinks and dialogue. The best comparison I can make is Bridesmaids. It was that kind of funny. I actually guffawed out loud several times and even found myself with tears in my eyes from laughing so hard another time.
The characters were fantastic, as well. I adored some - Jennifer, Addi, Nick, Pho Fang (and the whole Hmong crew), Dizzy Bee, Trevor, Lenny, Christopher. And I wanted to grab others and shake them (or worse) - namely Brad and Mother Keller. The situations were so unreal (at least in my world) that I found myself wishing they were real. Just because I wanted to witness them happening. You know, like watching a good movie or t.v. show (okay, or reading a good book).
Plus, the book had a happy ending. And I'm a happy ending kinda girl. Recommended for lovers of chick-lit and raucous comedy. Must love both. And not be easily shocked or offended.
about the author: Heather McElhatton produced the award-winning literary series Talking Volumes. Her commentaries have been heard on This American Life, Marketplace, Weekend America, Sound Money, and The Savvy Traveler. She lives in Key West with her pug, Walter.
She is the bestselling author of Pretty Little Mistakes and Jennifer Johnson Is Sick of Being Single.
further info: website | facebook | twitter
*I received a free copy of this book to review from the publisher. All thoughts and opinions stated in this post are 100% mine.