But I did it anyway. As anticipated, I'm hooked. I took a break about halfway through to put the first three books in the series on hold at the library.
So here's the skinny - Suze Simon is a 25-year old "mediator", or someone who can communicate with the dead and help them resolve an issues they have that are holding them in this world so they can cross over. This "gift" is genetic, though it doesn't necessarily manifest in every generation. Her fiance Jesse de Silva is a super sexy medical resident who she met while she was still in high school...and his mediator. Yeah, he was dead for 150 years before she helped his soul return to his body. Can you understand why I feel the need to go back to the beginning? I must experience this "first hand".
Anyhoo, in this novel Suze helps a teenager that goes to the high school she attended (where she is currently an intern) work through a painful event in her past, while being a mediator for a ghost that is attached to her. There are twists and turns, and I didn't want to put it down until everything was resolved. Think of it like (a way better) Ghost Whisperer infused with that typical Meg Cabot wit, charm, and sarcasm—all of which I love about her writing.
As for the food, there's not really much to be found. That's okay, I am capable of enjoying things that aren't foodcentric. However, if you'd like some recommended food and drink to sustain you for a few hours while you get lost in this novel, go ahead and grab some pizza and cold beer.
author: Meg Cabot
series: Mediator (Book 7)
publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks (February 2, 2016)
source: TLC Book Tours
soft cover: 400 pages
"foodie" read: Nope
random excerpt: "I couldn't even form the words out loud. If Father Dominic died, I would have lost the best mentor I'd ever had, and absurdly enough, one of the best friends I'd ever had, as well. If someone had told me that the first day I'd walked into his office so many years ago, I'd never have believed it. What could an agnostic girl from Brooklyn and an elderly Catholic priest from California possibly have in common?" (p. 152 in ARC)
teaser (from tlc book tours page): Fifteen years after the release of the first Mediator novel, #1 New York Times bestselling author Meg Cabot returns with a deliciously sexy new entry to a fan-favorite series. Suze Simon—all grown up and engaged to her once-ghostly soulmate—faces a vengeful spirit and an old enemy bent on ending Suze’s wedded bliss before it begins.
You can take the boy out of the darkness.
But you can’t take the darkness out of the boy.
All Susannah Simon wants is to make a good impression at her first job since graduating from college (and since becoming engaged to Dr. Jesse de Silva).
But when she’s hired as a guidance counselor at her alma mater, she stumbles across a decade-old murder, and soon ancient history isn’t all that’s coming back to haunt her. Old ghosts as well as new ones are coming out of the woodwork, some to test her, some to vex her, and it isn’t only because she’s a mediator, gifted with second sight.
From a sophomore haunted by the murderous specter of a child, to ghosts of a very different kind—including Paul Slater, Suze’s ex, who shows up to make a bargain Suze is certain must have come from the Devil himself—Suze isn’t sure she’ll make it through the semester, let alone to her wedding night.
Suze is used to striking first and asking questions later. But what happens when ghosts from her past—including one she found nearly impossible to resist—strike first?
What happens when old ghosts come back to haunt you?
If you’re a mediator, you might have to kick a little ass.
about the author: Meg Cabot was born in Bloomington, Indiana. In addition to her award-winning adult contemporary fiction, she is the author of bestselling young adult fiction, including The Princess Diaries and the Mediator series. More than twenty-five million copies of her novels for children and adults have sold worldwide. Meg lives in Key West, Florida, with her husband.

connect with the author: website | blog | facebook | twitter
author: Meg Cabot
series: Mediator (Book 7)
publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks (February 2, 2016)
source: TLC Book Tours
soft cover: 400 pages
"foodie" read: Nope
random excerpt: "I couldn't even form the words out loud. If Father Dominic died, I would have lost the best mentor I'd ever had, and absurdly enough, one of the best friends I'd ever had, as well. If someone had told me that the first day I'd walked into his office so many years ago, I'd never have believed it. What could an agnostic girl from Brooklyn and an elderly Catholic priest from California possibly have in common?" (p. 152 in ARC)
teaser (from tlc book tours page): Fifteen years after the release of the first Mediator novel, #1 New York Times bestselling author Meg Cabot returns with a deliciously sexy new entry to a fan-favorite series. Suze Simon—all grown up and engaged to her once-ghostly soulmate—faces a vengeful spirit and an old enemy bent on ending Suze’s wedded bliss before it begins.
You can take the boy out of the darkness.
But you can’t take the darkness out of the boy.
All Susannah Simon wants is to make a good impression at her first job since graduating from college (and since becoming engaged to Dr. Jesse de Silva).
But when she’s hired as a guidance counselor at her alma mater, she stumbles across a decade-old murder, and soon ancient history isn’t all that’s coming back to haunt her. Old ghosts as well as new ones are coming out of the woodwork, some to test her, some to vex her, and it isn’t only because she’s a mediator, gifted with second sight.
From a sophomore haunted by the murderous specter of a child, to ghosts of a very different kind—including Paul Slater, Suze’s ex, who shows up to make a bargain Suze is certain must have come from the Devil himself—Suze isn’t sure she’ll make it through the semester, let alone to her wedding night.
Suze is used to striking first and asking questions later. But what happens when ghosts from her past—including one she found nearly impossible to resist—strike first?
What happens when old ghosts come back to haunt you?
If you’re a mediator, you might have to kick a little ass.
about the author: Meg Cabot was born in Bloomington, Indiana. In addition to her award-winning adult contemporary fiction, she is the author of bestselling young adult fiction, including The Princess Diaries and the Mediator series. More than twenty-five million copies of her novels for children and adults have sold worldwide. Meg lives in Key West, Florida, with her husband.

connect with the author: website | blog | facebook | twitter
I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.