If by some chance you're not familiar with The Outsiders, it's a story set in Oklahoma in the mid '60's—a time when "class wars" were a pretty big problem. It revolves around a lovable (and super cute*) group of "Greasers" from the north (poor) side of town and the "Socs" [pronounced: soh-shis] from the south (rich) side of town.
Cherry Valance (Sherry, but her "friends call her Cherry") happens to be the girlfriend of one of the Socs, but she gets along with everybody. When her boyfriend sees her talking with the Greasers, his ego and the amount of alcohol he's been drinking, lead to him and his buddies jumping Ponyboy and Johnny (both younger and harmless) later on that night. In the fight, Bob (the boyfriend) dies after being stabbed by Johnny. This sends Johnny and Pony on the run, under the guidance of Dallas.
After a few days, Dally picks Johnny and Soda up to bring them home to face charges since Cherry says she will testify that the Socs were drunk and just looking for a fight. On the way home they come across a church that is on fire with kids trapped inside. Without thinking, they rush in and save the kids, but Johnny gets hurt very badly in the process.
There's much more to it than that, and I haven't shared the ending in case you haven't seen it yet and want to (you totally should), but that's the gist. But why a Cherry Pie Milkshake? It's simple, really.
First, there's Cherry...our go-between with a conscience...the girl who sees the best in everybody, no matter their social status. Second, Dairy Queen shows up often as a meeting place or possibly just a central location. Dally takes Ponyboy and Johnny to Dairy Queen after they've been hiding out for an actual meal. Ponyboy and Randy also meet at a DQ to talk about the upcoming rumble. So, two things that bring the Greasers and the Socs together - Cherry and ice cream. Hence, Cherry Ice Cream. Hence, this Cherry Pie Milkshake.
And if you really want to get technical, the red and black straws represent the Socs (Cherry was a soc, and Randy wore a red sweater the night they jumped Pony and Johnny) and the Greasers (grease, leather jackets).
*Rob Lowe, Patrick Swayze, Matt Dillon, Ralph Macchio, C. Thomas Howell, Tom Cruise, Emilio Estevez - this 8 (maybe 9) year old was smitten.
Cherry Pie Milkshake
Can't decide between pie and ice cream? This Cherry Pie Milkshake means you don't have to!

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Keywords: blender beverage dessert ice cream ice-cream frozen American
Ingredients (1 extra-large milkshake that's perfect for sharing)
- 16 ounces ice cream
- 1/4 cup milk
- 1 slice of cherry pie (1/8th of a 9-inch pie), cut into chunks
Add all of the ingredients to the jar of a blender and pulse until combined. Pour into a glass and enjoy immediately.
Grab a plate and a fork, it's time for PIE! Pull a chair up to the table and help me dive deeper into the wonderful world of pie; from fruit pies to nut pies to cream pies to icebox pies and beyond...to savory pot pies and skillet pies. Whether it's a traditional round pie, a slab pie, or even a hand pie—it's going to be all about the pie.
Join me on the last Friday of each month for pie and crust recipes, techniques, tools of the trade, and other inspiration. For more information and recipes, please check out my #FRIDAYPIEDAY page!