Sarah put out an open invitation to join her in binge-watching Gilmore Girls in preparation. If you started watching last Wednesday, you have needed to watch least 2.35 episodes per day in order to be done by November 25th. So, my goal is to average it out to 3 a day (because my ocd-tendencies really frown on stopping mid-episode).
Each week I'll list the episodes I've watched since the last time we talked and discuss whatever pops into my head. I might even make some food inspired by what I watched that week. There probably won't be much deep thinking involved since I won't have much time left after watching 3 episodes a day on top of everyday life things that still need to be done.
I'm really looking forward to this though, because I've never actually seen Gilmore Girls all the way through. I didn't watch it when it was on tv, but I've seen tons of random episodes out-of-order thanks to syndication.
So, without further ado, let's get this party started!
Episodes Watched:
S1:E1 "Pilot"S1:E2 "The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton"
S1:E3 "Kill Me Now"
S1:E4 "The Deer Hunters"
S1:E5 "Cinnamon's Wake"
S1:E6 "Rory's Birthday Parties"
S1:E7 "Kiss and Tell"
S1:E8 "Love & War & Snow"
S1:E9 "Rory's Dance"
S1:E10 "Forgiveness and Stuff"
S1:E11 "Paris is Burning"
S1:E12 "Double Date"
S1:E13 "Concert Interruptus"
S1:E14 "That Damn Donna Reed"
S1:E15 "Christopher Returns"
Episodes left: 138
This week's cravings and obsessions:
- Coffee and coffee mugs. It doesn't take much to push me over the edge on either front, though. I go through mug-collecting phases. Followed by mug-purging phases.
- A really good burger.
- Pizza and the look on Lorelai and Rory's faces when Dean brings a salad over with the pizzas one night.
- Lime Fantasy Supreme (Green Jello and Cool Whip w/ a cherry on top) from Episode 14. Retro food can be so ridiculous, but also so fun. Plus, Rory in Donna Reed mode was pretty adorable.
The Coffee Talk:
- Rory had to drive to school in E4, so I was assuming that she already had her license. However, her birthday is in E6, and in E13, Madeline mentions that "everybody in this room is 16". Rory was in that room, which meant that she must have turned 16 on her birthday. Hmmm.
- Also, Lorelai mentions that Rory has 3 more years with these girls at Chilton in E13, which would mean that Rory is a 16-year old freshman. I guess that's not super old, but I was 13 as an incoming freshman, so it does seem slightly old.
- As a fairly witty banterer myself, I can totally get behind the Gilmore's. But there were a couple of episodes early on where listening to Lorelai made my head want to explode. Fortunately, the writers seem to have dialed it down a bit and found a happy place.
- Sam-Dean. That's how I will forever refer to him. Because while I realize that Gilmore Girls came first, Jared Padalecki will always be Sam, little brother of Dean, to me. So, Sam-Dean—adorable even as a "wee" Jolly Green Giant. I think that he and Rory are precious together and will probably be hardpressed to not be Team (Sam-)Dean forever. We'll see if I change my mind down the line.
- I'm also excited to be able to say the name Sookie again on a regular basis. Even if it does rhyme with spooky instead of cookie. And how adorable is young Melissa McCarthy?
- I've never been too fond of cocky rich boys or men, so at the moment, I'm Team Luke.
- I'm loving the central role that food/drink plays in the series. If I wasn't on a mission and watching in such a state of rush, I'd make notes of what was seen or mentioned in each episode. Maybe I'll come back to that once I've watched the series in its entirety.
Sound like fun? Grab a cup of coffee and join the discussion. But don't delay—you've already got some catching up to do. See you next Wednesday! And be sure to continue the discussion with Sarah and her Luke's Diner Nutmeg Joe.
yield: serves 6

Lime Fantasy Supreme
Layers of lime Jello-O and homemade whipped cream are piled high in this retro 1950's dessert inspired by an episode of Gilmore Girls.
prep time: 4 hourcook time:total time: 4 hours
- 1 (6 ounce) box Lime Jell-O
- 3 cups heavy whipping cream
- 1/4 cup powdered sugar
- 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
- 6 maraschino cherries with stem
- Bring 2 cups of water to a boil, pour over the Jell-O powder, and stir until dissolved. Stir in 1 1/4 cups very cold water. Refrigerate until set, ~4 hours.
- Combine heavy whipping cream, powdered sugar, and vanilla in a bowl and beat until you almost have stiff peaks.
- Spoon some Jell-O into tall glasses, alternating with whipped cream, to make green and white layers, ending with whipped cream. Top with a maraschino cherry.