But hey, what's a girl to do? Today I'll be recapping seasons four and five. Did I mention how much food there is in this show? Aside from coffee, which is a food group in and of itself, there's always inspiration to be found in Sookie and Luke's kitchens, Friday night dinners, and even movie nights.
So, while I had two MORE seasons of food to ponder, I still couldn't get that fried marshmallow pie that I mentioned last week out of my head. I couldn't figure out a great way to make a full fried pie (yet), so I went with hand pies instead. They're ridiculous, in case you couldn't tell by looking, and they beg to be eaten alongside a cup of strong black coffee (to cut the sweetness).
Here's my weekly recap...
Episodes watched:
- S4:E1 "Ballroom & Biscotti"
- S4:E2 "The Lorelais' First Day at Yale"
- S4:E3 "The Hobbit, the Sofa and Digger Stiles"
- S4:E5 "The Fundamental Things Apply"
- S4:E6 "An Affair to Remember"
- S4:E7 "The Festival of Living Art"
- S4:E8 "Die, Jerk"
- S4:E9 "Ted Koppel's Big Night Out"
- S4:E10 "The Nanny and the Professor"
- S4:E11 "In the Clamor and the Clangor"
- S4:E12 "A Family Matter"
- S4:E13 "Nag Hammadi Is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospels"
- S4:E14 "The Incredible Sinking Lorelais"
- S4:E15 "Scene in a Mall"
- S4:E16 "The Reigning Lorelai"
- S4:E17 "Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist"
- S4:E18 "Tick, Tick, Tick Boom"
- S4:E19 "Afterboom"
- S4:E20 "Luke Can See Her Face"
- S4:E21 "Last Week Fights, This Week Tights"
- S4:E22 "Raincoats and Recipes"
- S5:E1 "Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller"
- S5:E2 "A Messenger, Nothing More"
- S5:E3 "Written in the Stars"
- S5:E4 "Tippecanoe and Taylor, Too"
- S5:E5 "We Got Us a Pippi Virgin"
- S5:E6 "Norman Mailer, I'm Pregnant"
- S5:E7 "You Jump, I Jump, Jack"
- S5:E8 "The Party's Over"
- S5:E9 "Emily Says Hello"
- S5:E10 "But Not as Cute as Pushkin"
- S5:E11 "Women of Questionable Morals"
- S5:E12 "Come Home"
- S5:E13 "Wedding Bell Blues"
- S5:E14 "Say Something"
- S5:E15 "Jews and Chinese Food"
- S5:E16 "So... Good Talk"
- S5:E17 "Pump Friction"
- S5:E18 "To Live and Let Diorama"
- S5:E19 "But I'm a Gilmore!"
- S5:E20 "How Many Kropogs to Cape Cod?"
- S5:E21 "Blame Booze and Melville"
- S5:E22 "A House Is Not a Home"
Episodes left: 45
This week's cravings and obsessions:
- Bloody Marys and Emily's "Harvard Go To Hell" button.
- Cajun Eggs Benedict
- Fried Marshmallow Pie. Yes, still. I told you last week that I'd still be craving it this week. I know myself so well.
- Lamb Shanks (cooked by Luke, please and thank you).
- The gorgeous Sherilyn Fenn makes the second Twin Peaks face to pop up. Another return I'm eagerly awaiting.
- Jess. I can't get enough Jess. Please tell me that wasn't a final goodbye.
The coffee talk:
- Sebastian Bach! I didn't realize that he was going to become a regular character...and one that grew on me. Gil is awesome. But oh my gosh, I remember him being tall, but he is a huge man. Although I could do without the hair, he's still got an absolutely adorable smile. Skid Row for life.
- How awesome is Rory's first Bananarama onesie?
- I don't really understand this whole Jason thing. First of all, he doesn't seem like Lorelai's type. Second, he's kind of a douche and he's not cute.
- FINALLY! The kiss that was 4 seasons in the making. Team Luke!
- Am I the only one who starts singing "this magic moment..." every time Kyle (aka Squints Palledorous) is on screen?
- Also, when I see Zach, I want to watch True Blood. There were so many people in Gilmore Girls!
- Luke vs Sam-Dean on the Bop It. Even though I feel a little bad for Sam-Dean, I do love how protective Luke is of Rory.
- I wanted to jump up and cheer when Rory told Christopher to leave Lorelai alone. YES!
- How can Emily be so great one moment and so incredibly furiating and horrible the next?
- Big Red shrunk! Luke and Lorelai are sitting on it with barely any room to spare, but a while ago, Luke, Lorelai, Rory, and Dean all fit on it with room to spare. Very curious.
- I'm not really sure what I think of Logan. I mean, I don't think I'll ever jump ship on Team Jess, just can't decide on Logan. I get the appeal, but I think Rory likes him because he's new and exciting to her, and because he's slightly out of reach (not because he's better than her, but because he was raised differently and doesn't treat her like "the world", which she is used to).
- Logan's parents on the other hand. Ugh, infuriating. I hate those elitist a-holes.
- The proposal! I cheered and teared at the same time. Luke is the best and Lorelai goes for what she wants.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on the episodes I watched this week, or if you're watching as well, the episodes YOU watched this week! Don't forget to drop by Chef Sarah Elizabeth's place for more Gilmore Girls discussion and a Chocolate Chocolate Chip Coffee Shake this week, as well. Until next week's coffee klatch...
yield: 10 hand pies

Fried Marshmallow Pies
prep time: 20 MINScook time: 3 MINStotal time: 23 mins
Gooey melted marshmallows are enclosed in this flaky, fried crust and covered in glaze.
- 1 recipe pie crust (or a package of store-bought)
- 100 mini marshmallows
- vegetable oil, for frying
For the glaze:
- 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
- 1/4 cup milk
- 1 tablespoon Land O Lakes Pumpkin PIe Spice Butter Spread, melted (or regular salted butter)
- 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
- Working with half of the dough at a time, roll out to 1/8-inch thickness. Use a 3 1/2-inch round cutter to cut 10 circles out of each half of the dough, rerolling as necessary. You should wind up with 20 circles of dough total.
- Line half of the circles up on your work surface and pile 10 marshmallows in the center of each. Set the remaining circles on top and pinch/crimp the edges to seal. You should have 10 small pies (or hand pies).
- Whisk all of the ingredients for the glaze together in a small bowl until smooth; set aside.
- Set a wire rack over a parchment-lined baking sheet. Pour oil to about 1-inch deep into a 10-inch skillet with deep sides; set over medium-high heat until you can just see ripples on the surface.
- Very carefully slide a few of the mini pies into the hot oil, taking care not to crowd them. Fry for 2-3 minutes total, flipping halfway through, until golden. Transfer to wire rack. Repeat with remaining pies.
- When hot, the pies are very fragile. Wait until warm to either very carefully dip in the glaze, or spoon glaze over the top while still warm and let drip down (you won't get the bottom this way, but they are sweet enough that they don't really need it all over anyway).
- Enjoy warm or at room temperature (the cooler they are, the easier they are to pick up). Store any extras in a brown paper bag or airtight container once completely cooled for 1-2 days.
- S'mores - substitute some of the marshmallows with chocolate chips and sprinkle with crushed graham crackers
- Sweet Potato - remove half of the marshmallows and add some mashed sweet potato with a pinch of brown sugar and spice